Thursday, September 1, 2016

Renovation and rock-color selections

Dear Residents,

The first courtyard renovation will start shortly at 1025 Jasmine (September 19th, 2017).  Existing Patio walls will be removed and replaced with a very similar product (aluminum siding) to the rest of the property.  Along with patio walls, almost a complete overhaul of landscaping will take place (reduction of grading).  The majority of plant life will be removed with the exception of trees.  Most will be replaced in the spring should weather not cooperate.

As preparation for the project, please have all personable items that consist of, but not limited to, chairs, tables, lights, plants, flower pots, etc.... removed as the Vendor and the HOA will not be responsible for any damage during this renovation.  Please have your AC units relocated to the Concrete slabs during this time.
Work completed is being done to satisfy the scope of Engineering reports prepared by Building Envelope Solutions, LLC to mitigate water entrance into units.

Mulch will be removed and replaced with river rock, irrigation will be completely overhauled and new plants will be added.  As this will be the template for all courtyards the Board wanted to give the community an opportunity to participate in the selection process of the river rock. 1025 should be complete by mid October (weather permitting).

We will meet by the mailboxes on the Jasmine side of the property at 6pm on September 6th where we will have samples of the mixed aggregate. Everyone who attends will have one vote and voting will end at 6:30 sharp.

Unfortunately we will not have time for a question and answer period and we will not be able to negotiate for other colors. What will be displayed is what we have requested from our vendor within our requested budget. If you have questions please feel free to email them to any Board Member.

Also, paving between 1035-1045 will begin in approximately six weeks.

Our planned courtyard scheduled is:
1025 - Walls and landscaping - 2016
1035 - Walls and landscaping - 2017
1045 - Walls and landscaping - 2018 as it is a small parcel possibly 2017
1020/1030 Landscaping 2019
1040 Landscaping 2020

Please feel free to come to a board meeting with questions. 4th Wednesday of each month at the Copper Door.

Also be on the lookout for the 2017 budget and annual meeting announcement.

Thank you again,