Monday, February 1, 2016

City/County of Denver Food Plan for District 10

Dear Community Members:

You are identified by the City and County of Denver as a key stakeholder in Council District 10. Under the direction of Mayor Michael B. Hancock, Denver is creating the first of its kind strategic plan for the Denver food system. I am part of an interagency group working to support this planning effort and helping organize community meetings in each of Denver’s 11 council districts that will provide input and direction for this plan.

I am writing to you today requesting your support in planning and/or promoting a one-time community listening session in your council district.

There are two ways we could use your help:
1)      Helping us organize a meeting in your council district (as a co-sponsor)
2)      Helping us reach out to the wider community by distributing meeting information (as an outreach partner)
If you are interested in signing up for either of these roles, please indicate your interest here:

If you would like more information about the Denver Food Plan or these meetings, please
-          See the Denver Food Plan website at
-          Join us for an informational webinar on February 4th at 9:00 am or February 9th at 9L00 am (RSVP for the webinar at
-          Contact myself or Blake Angelo, Manager of Food Systems Development, Office of Economic Development, City and County of Denver at

Thank you so much for your help in developing a world class food system in Denver. 

Dan Goldhamer
Horticulture Agent
Colorado State University-Denver Extension
888 E. Iliff Avenue
Denver, CO 80210
Office Phone: (720) 913-5273
Cell Phone: (720)-708-9756