Tuesday, March 20, 2018

City Park Golf Course Redesign

Dear Jasmine Community!
I am working with the City and County of Denver on the CIty Park Golf Course Redesign and have the upcoming public meeting in hopes that you will attend. As some may recall, we had two public meetings (a weekday evening and a Saturday) in October 2017 prior to the start of construction. We are now having a public open house on Wednesday, April 25 to share information on a few topics, including:

·  The “Interpretive Plan,” which is the plan regarding how the history and culture of the golf course is reflected externally on the course as well as through exhibits inside the clubhouse. 

·  The interior materials and colors for floors, walls and other features inside the clubhouse.

·  A general project update regarding the stormwater system and golf course construction.

The open house will be in the Carla Madison Recreation Center community room from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Please feel free to call, text or email me with any questions. 

Thank you and have a wonderful week.


Liz Palmquist
