- Thousands of you
weighed in on Denveright's update of Blueprint Denver, calling for
quality-of-life infrastructure for all neighborhoods like safe
sidewalks, parks and open space, housing options, transit access and
much more.
- Residents in 13 east Denver neighborhoods gathered
in-person and online to begin crafting new neighborhood plans to guide
local preservation and change.
- We issued more
than 74,000 development permits, an 18 percent increase over 2016.
Construction and labor costs for projects permitted in 2017 are at $4.1
billion, breaking last year's record of $3.7 billion.
- We're managing permit
demand with an emphasis on technology and people. In 2017 we cut the
log-in wait time at the permit counter by nearly 90 percent, and
achieved pre-boom target review times for most building
- In July, we
launched e-permits,
an easy way for you to get permits online for minor projects like new
roofs and water heaters (it's already issued 17,000 permits). Later we
introduced electronic plan review for residential projects and fire permits,
saving paper and time.