Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Mayfair Community News

This fall, we'll all vote on general bond funding for public infrastructure and facilities across the city.  Our streetscape improvements plan is one of more than 250 projects being considered for the final list.  Committees are meeting March through May to recommend final projects; city council will vote this summer.  It has taken the BID, Fax Partnership and adjacent neighborhoods 10 years to get to this point.  Streetscape improvements will help make the area safer and more comfortable for everyone while attracting new business. 
More on our project here; watch Facebook for ways you can help!  
Hurray for Spring Break!
Join the 2017 Great Colfax Cleanup 
Help Clean the "Longest Street in the USA"
April 22nd, 9 - 11:30 am, watch your email for registration
Storm Water
Three community meetings on storm water management this month sparked lively discussions about ways to address flooding during heavy storms.  Bigger pipes and storm water detention are part of the solution, but everyone needs to do their part to mitigate storm water runoff on their properties -- both homes and businesses.  Our district streetscape plan will do its part if fully funded -- we're proposing 200 street trees, landscaped areas and permeable pavers at lighted intersections.  All new development over 1/2 acre on Colfax must include storm water detention areas (look for one behind Starbucks on Krameria, for example).  A new zoning amendment will also require large building expansions to add a tree lawn on the perimeter of the property.
Information about the Upper Montclair Basin storm water project is posted at www.denvergov.org/uppermontclairbasin.
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The Colfax Mayfair Business Improvement District (BID) creates a better place for people and business through economic development, public improvements, safety and advocacy. The district connects the neighborhoods along Colfax Avenue from Eudora Street to Monaco Parkway as well as the Mayfair Town Center at 14th Avenue and Krameria Street.