Friday, December 5, 2014

New Management Company!

Dear Homeowners:

We are pleased to announce that as of January 1, 2015 Jasmine Place Townhomes will have a new property management company! After struggling for the last six months to align our vision for the property with that of our current management company and becoming aware of a number of concerning homeowner complaints, we concluded it was best to part ways.

After reviewing proposals from four recommended candidates and interviewing three very qualified companies in depth, our board selected Cherry Creek HOA Professionals to help take our property into the future. We’re excited about working with owner David Kinney (contact information below) as his 11 year old firm will bring a number of welcome, distinguishing benefits to the table. Because David believes that great service means avoiding voicemail whenever possible, a live person answers their phone during business hours and will make every attempt to get an answer for you right away, or get back to you within 24 hours. So you can look forward to speaking to a live person again! Responsiveness is a priority for David, and we know all of you will appreciate that. His background in corporate finance will also be a welcome addition as we continue to tackle (and fund) a variety of capital improvement and deferred maintenance projects in the years ahead. We will keep you abreast of other coming improvements in 2015.

David Kinney
Cherry Creek HOA Professionals
14901 E Hampden Ave Ste 320
Aurora, CO 80014
Tel: 303-693-2118
Email: or

Please be aware that your December dues payment should be mailed to 5150. Those of you who make your payments through ACH will have your December payment withdrawn as usual.

Your payment due on January 1st should be directed to Cherry Creek Pros. David will forward further instructions for those of you interested in setting up monthly automatic withdrawals through the new bank. If you do not sign up for automatic payments you will receive a coupon book to use in making your payments.

Please feel free to direct any of your questions to David – email is his preferred communications method for a quick response, but you may reach him at his office as well.

Happy Holidays!

The Jasmine Place Townhomes Board of Directors
Cynthia Kemper
Louis Ruhlin
Brian Joyce